+44(0)1635 916922
Permanent and Fixed
Term Contracts
Permanent and Fixed
Term Contracts
If you are in imminent need of someone starting on a permanent or fixed term basis? Or have a position coming up in the near future? Trust in us to provide you with a tailor made service that fits your business requirement each time.
After meeting with you to establish your full ​job details, we will agree on the service required, timeframes needed and will only submit candidates we have met who fit your exact requirements. With regular honest updates along the way.
and Guidance
and Guidance
Having recruited in the West Berkshire region for over 30 years combined, we have an excellent reputation, are highly knowledgeable and offer expert advice including; writing up job specs, salary and benefit guidance, interview tips, unsuccessful candidate feedback advice and more...
At 2-Recruit, we are dedicated to finding the right people with the right skills and experience as well as cultural fit to help you achieve your business goals.
Take advantage of our combined 30+ years worth of recruitment experience, partner with us and let us do the hard work for you.
Our service includes:
If you would like to find out more or have any questions, we'd love to hear from you...
info@2-recruit.com or 01635 916922
If you would like to find out more or have any questions, we'd love to hear from you...
info@2-recruit.com or 01635 916922